A Retrospective Study of Drugs Prescribed During Conservative Management of Isolated closed Fracture of Upper Limb in a Tertiary care Hospital

International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences, 2015, 4, 3, 48-51.DOI: 10.5530/ijpcs.4.3.3Published: Sept 2015Type: Original ArticleAuthors: Shenoy Smita, Patil Navin, Ganeriwala Aditya, Chetty Shashikanth, Avinash Arivazhahan, Sushil Kiran Kunder, Shah Hitesh, and Jha Anusha Author(s) affiliations: Shenoy Smita,1 Patil Navin,2 Ganeriwala Aditya,3 Chetty Shashikanth,4 Avinash Arivazhahan,5 Sushil Kiran Kunder,5 Shah Hitesh,6 Jha Anusha7 1Additional Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal […]

Physico-Chemical Evaluation of Pavalasilasathu Parpam, a Marine based Traditional Siddha Drug used in Leucoderma and Infectious Conditions

International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences, 2015, 4, 3, 44-47.DOI: 10.5530/ijpcs.4.3.2Published: Sept 2015Type: Original ArticleAuthors: Mekala, Sathish, and Arul Amuthan Author(s) affiliations: Mekala1, Sathish2, Arul Amuthan3* 1Department of Nanju Noolum Maruthuva Neethi Noolum, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai, INDIA. 2Department of Sattam Saarntha Maruthuvamum Nanju Noolum, Sri Sairam Siddha Medical College, Chennai, INDIA. 3Department […]

Effect of Notchi kudineer (Vitex negundo Aqueous Extract) on Surgically Induced Endometriosis in Sprague Dawley Rats

International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences, 2015, 4, 3, 35-43.DOI: 10.5530/ijpcs.4.3.1Published: Sept 2015Type: Original ArticleAuthors: Arul Amuthan, Shabari Anandh, Syed Musharraf, Nupur Agarwal, Vasudha Devi, Revathi P Shenoy, and Bhavna Nayal Author(s) affiliations: Arul Amuthan,1 Shabari Anandh,2 Syed Musharraf,3 Nupur Agarwal,4 Vasudha Devi,1 Revathi P Shenoy,4 Bhavna Nayal5 1Department of Pharmacology, Melaka Manipal Medical College, Manipal University, Karnataka-576104, INDIA. 2Department […]

Ethno-veterinary Practices Adopted during an Epidemic Outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease among Cattle in Sirkazhi and Adjoining Villages of Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu, India

International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences, 2015, 4, 2, 23-34.DOI: 10.5530/ijpcs.4.2.3Published: June 2015Type: Original ArticleAuthors: Srividya Visvesvaran, and Thirunarayanan Thirumalaiswamy Author(s) affiliations: Srividya Visvesvaran*1, Thirunarayanan Thirumalaiswamy2 1Siddha Physician and epidemiologist, 2Siddha Physician and Secretary, Centre for Traditional Medicine and Research, Adambakkame, Chennai, India. Abstract Background: Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak occurs annually among […]

Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Analysis of the Anti-MRSA Fractions of Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M. King & H. Rob. leaves

International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences, 2015, 4, 2, 16-22.DOI: 10.5530/ijpcs.4.2.2Published: June 2015Type: Original ArticleAuthors: Maureen Uchechukwu Okwu, Tonye Grace Okorie, Matthias Ikenna Agba, and Omose Josephine Ofeimun Author(s) affiliations: Maureen Uchechukwu Okwu1*, Tonye Grace Okorie1, Matthias Ikenna Agba2 , Omose Josephine Ofeimun3 1Department of Biological Sciences, College of Natural and Applied Sciences, Igbinedion […]

ABCB1 C3435T Genetic Polymorphism and Response to Glibenclamide Therapy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences, 2015, 4, 2, 12-15.DOI: 10.5530/ijpcs.4.2.1Published: June 2015Type: Original ArticleAuthors: Surendiran A, Pradhan SC, Subrahmanyam DKS, Aparna Agrawal, Umamaheswaran G, Rajan S, and Adithan C Author(s) affiliations: Surendiran A1*, Pradhan SC1, Subrahmanyam DKS2, Aparna Agrawal2, Umamaheswaran G1, Rajan S1, Adithan C3 1Department of Pharmacology, JIPMER, Puducherry, India. 2Department of […]

A Study to Compare the Stability of Proseal Laryngeal Mask Airway and Standard Laryngeal Mask Airway in Different Head and Neck Positions

International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences, 2015, 4, 1, 1-6.Published: March 2015Type: Research ArticleAuthors: Taxak S, Rani S, Ahlawat G, Singh K*, Raghove P Author(s) affiliations:Taxak S, Rani S, Ahlawat G, Raghove PDepartment of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana – 124001, India Abstract […]

Cerebroprotein Hydrolysate in Treatment of Vascular Dementia – a Case Report

International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences, 2014, 3, 4, 75-78.Published: December 2014Type: Case ReportAuthors: Mosam Phirke, Anup Bharati, Avinash De Sousa, Nilesh Shah, and Sushma Sonavane Author(s) affiliations:Mosam Phirke1, Anup Bharati2, Avinash De Sousa3*, Nilesh Shah4, Sushma Sonavane5 1Resident Doctor, 2Assistant Professor, 3Research Associate, 4Professor and Head, 5Additional Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Lokmanya Tilak […]

International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences (IJPCS): The Journey

International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences, 2014, 3, 4, 73-74.Published: December 2014Type: EditorialAuthors: Vasudha Devi Author(s) affiliations:Vasudha DeviProfessor and Head of Pharmacology, Melaka Manipal Medical College (Manipal Campus), Manipal University, Karnataka-576104, India Abstract IJPCS, which began 3 years ago in the year 2012, with the intention of widely dissem-inating authentic scientific knowledge through open […]

Hemobilia – A Sporadic Cause of Hematemesis

International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences, 2014, 3, 4, 79-82.Published: December 2014Type: Case ReportAuthors: Nagesh Kamath, Venkatakrishnan Leelakrishnan, Rajendiran Gopalan, and Shiran Shetty Author(s) affiliations:Nagesh Kamath1, Venkatakrishnan Leelakrishnan2, Rajendiran Gopalan2, Shiran Shetty1* 1Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka-576104, India 2Department of Medical Gastroenterology, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences […]